Monday, March 1, 2010

Edison Post Office

The idea about covering the possible closing of Edison Post Office in Liberty City came out when Lauren, one of my classmates, talked about the story that was on the Miami Herald. The Story was about the protest that the residents and some members of the union did to show their resistance to the closure.

Lauren and I went to the post office and we try to get some information. While Lauren was talking to the employee of the office, I was trying to talk with some of the customers. I was lucky because I could talk to two of them.

Kendrell Jackson told me that she had had the box for about three years. She said that she had filled out a survey that asked some questions about the use of the post office. The survey was done six months ago and she expressed that she was worry about the closure. “They need to keep it open, if not I will have to go to the other office that it is far from here.” She said.

We didn’t get much information from the employee who told Lauren that she didn’t know about the situation because she was doing just a replacement for the day. We try to find a flyer or something posted informing about the possible closure but there was nothing around the area.

We grab out things and we went to Martin Luther King Post office. That place is super big but it is kind in the middle of nothing, very shocking because the Edison Post Office is near to many small business and residences. When we asked if somebody could tell us about the closing, they told us that if Edison is close the office that will take their business will be Little River Station. We took the information that the not very nice lady gave to us and we went to the other office.

When we got to Little River, we did the same thing. We search for flyers and we asked for the closing of the nearby post office. The lady who help us, gave us the name and phone number of the contact person in the media department. We called her but we got just her voice mail.